Have you ever found someone copying your work or your business name and not known what to do about it?
Have you ever received a Cease and Desist Letter in your inbox or the mail?
Have you ever wondered whether you should just let it go or whether you need to respond?
It’s possible that many of us have experienced one of these scenarios in business already. When someone needs to enforce their copyright, trademark or patent, they usually begin with a Cease and Desist letter.
411: CEASE & DESIST Letters: Coffee with Catherine
Have you ever found someone copying your work or your business name and not known what to do about it?
Have you ever received a Cease and Desist Letter in your inbox or the mail?
Have you ever wondered whether you should just let it go or whether you need to respond?
It’s possible that many of us have experienced one of these scenarios in business already. When someone needs to enforce their copyright, trademark or patent, they usually begin with a Cease and Desist letter. “Do I need to respond?” is a common response to receiving such a letter. And “What if they don’t respond?” is a common question after sending one.
As always, Catherine Cavella of IP WORKS LAW is ready to share information on Cease and Desist letters (virtually) over a cup of coffee on Thursday October 1st at 11:00AM. Learn the best way to prepare yourself for addressing an infringer should you need to take action to protect your intellectual property.
TITLE: Cease & Desist Letters
DATE: Thursday October 1st 2020, at 11:00AM
- How to prepare to send a Cease and Desist Letter
- Content and Timing
- Who should send a Cease and Desist Letter?
- What to do if you receive a letter?
SIGN UP HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/x/411-cease-desist-letters-coffee-with-catherine-tickets-112484847206
IP WORKS LAW’s Coffee with Catherine is a casual bimonthly hang out that focuses on idea development, protection, corporations/LLCs, branding, content, inventions, ideas, copyrights, trademarks and patents for small business and startups. From Challenges to opportunities, we cover all the bases to get your company thriving in 2020.
It’s free, casual and private.
See you Thursday October 1st at 11:00AM!