What does your trademark portfolio look like? Businesses need an effective, clear answer to that question but a shocking number do not have one. Many don’t think about their trademarks at all until one of their brands is copied. Some get trademarks registered but don’t investigate to identify copycats and force them to rebrand. Many do not keep an organized, intentional trademark portfolio document, so they do not Read More
Trademarks Require Careful Attention Over Time
Trademark protection for your brand identity provides you with exclusivity and opportunity. Securing trademark protection is just another step in a longer process, however. We previously talked about the process of renewing various IP protections, including trademarks. These marks require attention and effort over time to uphold and renew. Trademarks are not a “set it and forget it” effort. Failing to use your mark, Read More
Should You Use a Trademark or Service Mark for Your Business?
Your unique service deserves to be trademarked as much as anything else you’ve worked hard to create. You need to choose a trademark symbol to safeguard your genius, but which is best? One option is a servicemark, (SM — Servicemark Symbol SM sometimes written “service mark” or “service-mark”) which is a trademark that at one time was necessary to identify a trademarked service. With current law however, Read More
Use a Trademark Symbol for Your Startup Today
What do they all mean? Do you need them for your business? The team at IP WORKS LAW have broken down the basic facts for trademarks to empower small business owners. This information is especially important for startups to learn how to use trademark symbols and which symbol best suites their business needs. Using the trademark symbol next to your brand name and logo will help you protect your startup and your Read More
4 Steps to Protect Your Trademarks
Clients often ask us: What is involved in registering a trademark? We are happy to define and simplify the process for you – there are four basic steps: 1. Trademark Clearance. What is a trademark clearance? This is a critical first step in the registration process where a trained trademark professional researches and analyzes your proposed trademark to determine how available the mark is for use and registration. 4 Read More