What is the difference between the Trademark Symbol ™ and © – Copyright Symbol? What is the difference between trademark and copyright? Believe it or not, there is a difference between a trademark and a copyright. If you have a unique business, service or startup, you need to know the difference between a trademark and copyright. You will also need TO learn how to use the Copyright Symbol to protect your most import Read More
Question of the Day: What is the difference between an LLC and a “DBA”?
Explanation: LLC stands for LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. If an LLC gets sued and loses, the person suing (the plaintiff) can only collect from the assets of the LLC, they cannot collect from the owner’s personal assets. Here’s an example: Jane Fisherman opens a bait shop. She signs a 5 year lease for $2,500/month, she takes out a $50,000 bank loan to buy product and set up her store, she signs up for internet and Read More